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New CEO of the Sotra Group

Founder and engineer Jarle Vindenes started the business in 1980, and has since been head of the group. Jarle will continue as chairman of the board of Sotra Gruppen AS, but hereby wishes to step down from the role of general manager at a mature age.

Rikard Toft Ledang has been hired as the new CEO of the Sotra Group.

The Sotra Gruppen Group consists of the companies Sotra Gruppen AS, Sotra Contracting AS (SOCON), Sotra Anchor & Chain AS, SOCON Norheimsund Sveis AS and Nordheimsund Eiendom AS. The group has approx. 60 employees and a turnover of about NOK 150 million in 2021, with a positive result.

The board is very satisfied with the appointment of Ledang as the new CEO. He is development-oriented, positive and clear and has a great commitment both at and outside work. We feel confident that he is the right person to further develop the Sotra Group in an exciting turning point. He has an impressive network that we can build on together, says Vindenes.

Rikard Toft Ledang comes from the position as general manager of Vest Næringsråd. He has previous experience from banking and finance, in addition to various leadership roles in the business world. He has recently completed a master’s module in innovation and break time at NHH (Norwegian School of Economics).

I look forward to taking on the opportunities and challenges that come with the position, getting to know the group and in collaboration with the employees contribute to the Sotra Group consolidating and developing its unique position as a world-leading supplier and locally based family business. Maybe I can create a commitment to innovation in the Sotra Group, in an exciting turning point in the future. I believe the Sotra Group, with its 42 years of experience, good reputation, unique location and skilled employees, all have the prerequisites to succeed.

Ledang will take up the position during the autumn of 2022, and Vindenes will serve as CEO until then. He will then serve as chairman of the board of the parent company.

Contact point:
– Jarle Vindenes mob: 982 09 802

– Rikard Toft Ledang mob: 452 80 869

Photo: © Karl Ove Vindenes